Coloured Apple Bottle Stopper
Salvaged Apple wood shaped into an apple bottle stopper and then stained green with a rosy red blush.
Cocobolo stalk
Fun and practical, but just for wine but fitting for the top of an apple cider vinegar bottle.
Length 3”, width at widest part 1 1/4”
Salvaged Apple wood shaped into an apple bottle stopper and then stained green with a rosy red blush.
Cocobolo stalk
Fun and practical, but just for wine but fitting for the top of an apple cider vinegar bottle.
Length 3”, width at widest part 1 1/4”
Salvaged Apple wood shaped into an apple bottle stopper and then stained green with a rosy red blush.
Cocobolo stalk
Fun and practical, but just for wine but fitting for the top of an apple cider vinegar bottle.
Length 3”, width at widest part 1 1/4”