What‘s in store for jackimundymakes in 2023?
What do I plan for 2023….? Who knows! Most directions I have followed have just availed themselves to me at the right time - Both in my nurse career and home life. So, should my woodturning journey be any different? Should I ‘change the habit of a lifetime’ and plan? I guess if I’m OK coasting, no. But I really want to improve and expand jackimundymakes horizons. So, best I get planning…..
Hmm… colour, texture…. I guess improving technique is a perennial (if loose) plan; ultimately to keep enjoying what I enjoy is my plan and from there; ‘let the beauty of the wood lead the way’. But I’m not just waiting for it to fall into my lap..
I’ve applied for a weeks woodturning course with Glenn Lucas already in 2023! Motivation to attend is to sharpen my technique & fingers crossed I get a place. But the application process itself has already peaked my interest and I’ve commenced my ‘school of YouTube’ journey, watching other woodturners techniques with the aim of improving my own.
Recently, I’ve been tantalised by colour use by fellow woodturners posting on Instagram and the huge potential it can bring a piece. Previously, I’ve been hesitant to ‘paint wood’ as it can detract from its natural beauty. But a touch here and there has actually proven to enhance a piece….. I used wax gilding on a natural edge vine snack bowl and I’m delighted with how it turned out, so much so that I’m adding it to our overflowing snack bowl cupboard rather than sharing on the website. I plan to take colour further in 2023 so jackimundymakes customers can also enjoy the embellishments.
Maybe, the addition of colour will lead me to the addition of texture - above and beyond the desire for a silky smooth finish…. I might wait for that aspect to ‘avail itself to me’ ….
Hold on to your hat and stay with me on insta, Fb and TikTok to see how my plan pans out….and of course keep checking the website as new bits are added all the time.
Happy new year to you and I hope you actualise your plans for 2023 too!